While we all like to have fun at our Saturday trainings, safety is always our number one priority and we need everyone's help making sure we have safe, and fun training on Saturdays. To that end, it is critical that all club members follow club safety rules, and most importantly, listen to your pace leaders. They are watching for bicycles, cars, other runners, red lights, etc., and will be calling out directions to you throughout the training. This means you have to be able to hear those directions, so if you use ear pods and or headphones, please make sure you are using only one ear bud so you can hear your pace leader and surrounding traffic at all times.
Below are IERC's key safety guidelines. Please follow them at all times while you are training with IERC on Saturdays or when you're training during the week. Remember, safety first. It not only assures the safety of all of us, it also assures IERC will continue to be welcome in Chino Hills. Stay vigilant and keep up the good work.
Listen to your pace leaders.
Whenever you are on the street and/or in the bike lane, run 2x2 and stay within the bike lane.
Pass single file in the bike lane or on the sidewalk. Do not veer into traffic lanes, even for a few seconds, to pass slower runners or walkers. Yell “runner on the right” as you approach the runners or walkers, and those runners and walkers need to move over, single file, to the left side of the bike lane.
Obey traffic signals and do not cut corners or cross the street mid-block or against the light.
When you are waiting for the light at an intersection, wait up on the sidewalk and not in the street.
Yield to cyclists. Cyclists have the legal right of way in the bike lanes and all club members must yield to them so that cyclists do not have to veer into traffic lanes. If you see a cyclist approaching, and it is safe to do so, your Pace Leader will move you to the sidewalk. If it is not safe, all runners, walker, and run/walkers will stop and move into the gutter until the cyclist/s/ pass.
Remember the quiet zones: On Mystic Canyon from the school to Butterfield and on the Picasso Loop. This means no talking so we do not disturb the neighbors as we pass.
Watch out for each other.
Your actions on the training course reflect on the entire club. We want to continue to be good neighbors with our host city.